SGÂ Coins or SGC, SGSC, SGGC is Soto Gregg Digital & Private Currency:
- SG = Soto Gregg
- SGC = Soto Gregg Coin
- SGSC = Soto Gregg Silver Coin
- SGGC = Soto Gregg Gold Coin
Want to know more about Gold & Silver SG Coins?
It’s a digital private currency created to be used only on this website.

SG Gold Coins
1 SG Gold Coin Award
- 1.000.000 SGSC

SG Silver Coins
2 SG Silver Coin Awards
- Daily visit the website
- Author Rank
Details about how it works in this network:
- Gold SG Coins can be used only by Premium Users.
- Gold SG Coins’ loss can be avoided by being polite with other users.
- Silver SG Coins’ loss can be avoided by being polite with other users.
- Silver SG Coins are not at risk of loss when reaching Gold SG Coins.
- Premium Award of (1) SGGC for those who reach (1.000.000) SGSC.
- Registered users earn (5) Silver SG Coins when Daily Visiting and log in (unlimited)
- When users reach (100) Silver SG Coins they reach Author Rank so they can make posts in the blog + (10) SGSC award.
Important Note:
- Users must complete their profile information (also profile picture and cover) before start participating.
- Moderators will be checking in this social network how users behave and taking action about it.
- Not completed profiles will be deactivated by administrators at monthly maintenance. (Backed Up Database on Google Drive)
Get involved!